Refill by Swapp! demo days are coming up shortly in the London office of PAIH (Polish Investment and Trade Agency). The growth of the Swapp! refill station network knows no boundaries, and it does so in the literal sense. We started in Poland, but our ambition is to commercialize Swapp technology and solutions across the world.
The UK market is one of the most developed refill markets in Europe, hence between June 13-16 with the support of the PAIH we have organized demo days in the London office of PAIH. It will be located on the 28th floor of a prestigious building The Gherkin, (30 St Mary Axe London EC3A 8BF). It will be our pleasure to welcome you on our first visit to London.
Please select the day and time
from the Swapp! Calendar below:
The direct link to the Calendar is here
During the meetings, we will present our solution which has three key components: Refill stations, Monitored packaging, and Connected Apps (mobile & web apps. Our time in London will be the perfect opportunity to talk with potential customers, retail chains, and producers of cosmetics & home care products. An equally important activity will be the talks with potential investors interested in our impact solution. It will be our pleasure to welcome you on Swapp!’s first official visit to London.
The icing on the cake will be the presence of Swapp! during the events organized by the Plugin Foundation – Polish Tech Day. We will be celebrating World Refill Day 2022 together with other Londoners, which falls on the 16th of June.
Let’s Swapp! the world together!
Feel free to contact us by email: or by phone: +48 5001454400